An interesting aspect of practicing homeopathy is that its very existence raises questions of who we are and the nature of the universe we live in. The process of repeatedly taking cases down to the 4th level subtly alters one’s view of life. One must become more attuned to subtle dimensions because that is where the homeopath directs his treatment.
Psychotherapists who are familiar with the way I take cases often say, “We are after a similar thing.” I cannot agree with them. The reason they see a similarity is that I am traveling through the emotional realm where psychotherapy sets its intention. Psychotherapists, as a rule, do not have an intention of “curing physical symptoms.” A classical homeopath does. Adding in the physical symptoms to the psychotherapeutic emotional terrain brings a profound shift into the 4th dimension. It is an entirely different layer of immateriality.
To put it differently, let me go back to my discussion of the 4th dimension. I have called the 4th dimension the energy of consciousness itself. It is the camera lens through which we see and experience life. Trying to see it would be like trying to see our own eye without a mirror. It is the “stuff of life,” in that we apparently are swimming in it. It is everywhere and nowhere. It embodies everything we are, can see or experience. Moreover, a particular pattern of consciousness streams through every molecule that makes up our individual being, giving coherence to who we are as individuals.
The psychotherapist treats the picture that our consciousness forms in front of us, working to bring awareness to and alter the perceptions that frame our emotions. A homeopathic remedy, on the other hand, treats and shifts the “camera lens” itself. It is a subtle but profound difference. It is amazing to watch as it becomes revealed. High level homeopathy is the process of learning how to uncover the peculiar, fixed lens through which an individual perceives the world.
It is a bit confusing for an outsider, because we interact with other people and we perceive it as merely human. It is hard to imagine that within each of hides a non-human source through which we perceive. Yet, if you watch people closely you can pick up on their deep patterns, even though you may not know what substance in the world matches it. Watch Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western, the way he softly threatens. Make my day. It is a veiled threat. It says, “Cross this line and I will blow you away. Stay within bounds and I’ll let you live.” He is like a rattler rattling his warning. There is something very “snaky” about this. Find someone who embodies energy like this in a deep, unalterable way, and he probably needs a homeopathic remedy of a snake. In some way, he expresses the energy of a snake, yet this springs from a deeper source. That source is a pattern of consciousness.
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