On Jan 22nd two prominent Beverly Hills psychotherapists, Dr. La Wanda Katzman-Staenberg and Dr Shirly Impellizzeri, hosted a presentation on homeopathy at a posh Beverly Hills club. I spoke at this event with two of my favorite and closest colleagues, Dr Malcolm Smith, a naturopath from Portland, OR, and Dr. Robert Gramlich, an LA homeopath. A private audience of about 60 people attended, which included a number of Beverly Hills notables, filmmakers, friends of the psychotherapists, and well-known hollywood celebrities.
I spoke because Dr. Katzman-Staenberg invited me. It was a curious link-up. I happened to treat one of her patients who lived in New York. This patient underwent a dramatic change after a deep-acting remedy. I fell out of contact with this person, but Dr. Staenberg witnessed it in Los Angeles. She also has a connection through her daughter to Wisconsin, and there has been some dramatic changes in these people as well. They watched my talk on the four levels and when it was heard that I was going to be in California, there was talk of me joining up and speaking with Dr. Smith and Dr. Gramlich. my two colleagues who have been become connected with these two psychotherapists. Both Dr. Smith and Dr. Gramlich are first-rate homeopaths who have been producing wonderful results in the Beverly Hills community.
Dr. Katzman-Staenberg and Dr. Impellizzeri are psychotherapists who specialize in working with creative people in the Beverly Hills community. Highly intelligent and perceptive, they like to be on the cutting edge, pushing the envelope for their high-profile clients--and that includes finding top homeopaths for them. At the end of our talk they both spoke and strongly endorsed homeopathy, saying that the results they have seen from homeopathy are second to none. Homeopathy can reach to a level that psychotherapy cannot.
I spoke first, followed by Dr. Gramlich. Dr. Smith spoke last and presented a video presentation of some of his patients. Although I had heard about it, I had not seen this before. I have since heard through the grapevine that the audience was as impressed as I was. Well-edited and presented, the videos showed what can happen with great homeopathic treatment. The video captured some truly dramatic changes on tape. I only wish that I could put the presentation on this blog site, but patient confidentiality issues prevent Dr. Smith from releasing it.
For me, after being holed up alone in my office for seven years, trying to take the discipline to its full potential, facing my own contradictions, and undergoing more than just a few attacks, to end up speaking to a well-connected Beverly Hills crowd was heart-warming, reaffirming, and a tad bit strange. The personal message was "press on."
Dr. Smith has been working towards making a documentary on homeopathy. Some of the audience at our talk have the ability to help him make that happen. Stay tuned for the three of us to join together for more presentations in the future.
Wow I wish I could of attend and meet some great psychologist for some psychotherapy.
Posted by: Beverly hills psychotherapy | June 08, 2010 at 11:49 AM