Recently I met a healer in New York who works in an unusual way. She moves her hands above her client's body, feeling its energy field. She tunes into the energy of the person in a way that allows her to pick up on an emotional energy. She described to me one case where, in moving her hands, she sensed a deep shame coming from a certain part of her client's body. She worked on this client to attempt to cleanse and remove this shame. How do we go about understanding what she is doing?.
I think it's easiest to think of this healer as working in the 3rd dimension -- the Emotional Energy Body. People familiar with my writing know that I have distinguished four dimensions in which healers work:
1) The Physical Body
2) The Vital Energy Body
3) The Emotional Energy Body
4) The Conscious Energy Body
The 3rd dimension is the level I have had the hardest time understanding. Nevertheless, I'm convinced it exists, as ancient traditions have suggested, and I would describe it as follows:
Emotions, rather than being an experience "in the brain," appear to run through every cell of our body. The emotional energy body can exist separately from the body as a type of energy "cloud," and yet it exists within the physical body.
In some real way, this emotional energy carries memories which "lodge" in certain parts of our physical body. Thus it holds memories of past trauma or pain as well as joy and contentedness.
This directly influences the energy of the acupuncture meridians. For example, grief affects the vital energy (level 2) of the lungs.
Another example of the emotional body affecting the physical body:
Why, in times of relationship stress, do people often gain excessive weight?
It may be that the relationship stress triggers patterns of old memories at the level of emotion. In turn, the Emotional Body stimulates the vital energy of the acupuncture meridians, and this triggers the physical body to aggressively store fat.
In such cases, an excessive weight gain may be, literally and metaphorically, the patient's body responding to a call for protection - or increased insulation - in a time of emotional vulnerability. Thus, to successfully treat the excessive weight gain, healers may need to address the Emotional Body.
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