Prana, the Sanskrit word for “vital energy,” is also the word for “breath.” Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) works directly with prana. As an addendum to my last post, I would like to explain just how much.
NSA begins by correctly aligning the spine. Once this is accomplished and the patient progresses to the upper levels of NSA, we move beyond what we know as “chiropractic care.” Think of it this way: as an NSA doctor works on a patient, the muscular tension stressing the spine releases, and the spinal alignment corrects. At this point you might think, “Ok, we’re done.” If that were the case, you wouldn’t hear about NSA gatherings, where practitioners, families, and friends, gather to have fun and do NSA on each other. Nor would you encounter NSA couples who happen to blurt out how incredible their sex lives have become since advancing to the upper levels.
What is going on here? I think back to my posting on Alex Grey’s Chapel of Cosmic Mirrors. It strikes me that advanced level NSA has a similar view of the universe to Alex Grey. Witness his paintings of humans enveloped in vital energy, flowing out into the cosmos. These paintings force the question just what sort of universe do we live in anyway?
NSA’s Donald Epstein wants you to live in a different universe than the one you know. You can read his book on the 12 stages of healing, but we can cut to the chase and say his medicine has an ecstatic vision. How did we end up there from the “let’s-get-T3-and-T4-back into alignment” perspective? Think of the chiropractic office: your chiropractor quickly enters, turns you over into position, and crunch, vertebrae T3 and T4 slide back into place. A minute later he’s gone. A chiropractor can inspire a vision closer to the auto mechanic.
Nevertheless, backtrack to this idea that muscular tension around the spine produces misalignments. Imagine an NSA doctor inviting the breath into your body to break that tension free. In the first level of NSA, the tension around your spine frees up. At the second level, using much longer contacts held on those points of relaxation, the NSA doctor invites your breath in a step deeper, allowing your nervous system a deeper state of relaxation. It is when NSA patients move to this level of relaxation that they can spontaneously release emotions. For example, some people find that a certain part of their body shakes after an NSA contact, or they let out a cry or moan.
Considering this spontaneous release of emotion, a favorite yoga teacher of mine, Lisa Matkin (NYC), did a “heart opening” (4th Chakra) class one evening. She repeatedly brought us back to “heart opening“ poses, with the shoulders back and rib cage expanded into a back bend. Right after class, one woman started uncontrollably sobbing. It spoke volumes about how the body holds emotions. It is difficult to open and leave our hearts exposed.
Our body simply cannot help but register everything our mind experiences in the process of living. Every hurt, every rejection, every trauma, somewhere, somehow, our body processes. This holds both the promise and the problem of being human. NSA gives us a new perspective on this. It speaks of “re-connecting” parts of our body that lost communication with each other. My experience in yoga has taught me that the tightest spot in my body is often where I have the least sensation. Consciousness of this part of the body is largely absent. It is like a friend we lost track of when he stopped sending letters. An NSA practitioner, with his finely-tuned understanding of how we hold tension, coaxes our breath in and re-connects our consciousness with these lost parts of ourselves. NSA’s precise contacts nudge us to a degree of relaxation and body consciousness that would be difficult to reach on our own.
What is a medicine with an ecstatic vision? First let’s understand the opposite. Note how, when we become stressed, our breathing becomes shallower. Tension restricts our breathing. If we concentrate, we can learn to feel this restriction in our breathing, but what about all the other parts of our body we are unable to tune into? What’s happening there? What about the constriction around our heart we never feel that eventually comes to our consciousness through a heart attack? What about the constriction in our back that comes to our awareness in a perfect stab of pain one morning when we get out of bed?
To take in the stress of life without consciousness is to have our body shut down. We don’t notice it, but somewhere within blockages form. It may not be significant today, but tomorrow could bring the common scenario where someone sits before me and asks, “Why did this pain come to me NOW?” All blockages eventually come to our consciousness. The more out of touch we are with ourselves the more they tend to present as a mysterious, outrageous assault. Some visit the surgeon and tell him, “Cut out this pain,” that is, “cut out this part of myself I have lost contact with.”
A medicine with an ecstatic vision moves the opposite way. Instead of shutting down it brings in the breath and blows the energetic channels open. It brings consciousness into all those disowned parts of ourselves and re-discovers the emotions we have disowned. To breath tightly, to shut down, is to perceive pleasure in a narrow range. To blow open the energetic channels recruits those lost parts of ourselves as pleasure centers. Hats off to those NSA couples who have become pleasure seekers: think of the most relaxed sexual experience you have ever had and then imagine a relaxation three steps deeper, where you are conscious of every cell in your body. Full body-mind awareness is our destiny as humans. To avoid this process is to become blocked. It may be that all disease is nothing more than a wake-up call, whispering, or perhaps shouting: “You stopped opening to the divine ecstatic experience. It’s time to get moving again.”
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